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Will My Scars be Visible After Ab Etching?

By: Dr. Rolando Morales


Have you ever wondered what it'd be like to have six-pack abs? When hours of strenuous exercise and dieting aren't quite giving you the results you want, a procedure like abdominal etching may be the perfect solution. This liposuction procedure can give you sculpted abs without an extended time commitment.

One of the biggest concerns patients have after any cosmetic surgery is what kind of scars they will leave behind. Like most procedures at Morales Plastic Surgery, patients should expect some scarring after ab etching. However, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Rolando Morales takes a series of steps to ensure any scarring is minimal.

Getting sculpted abs has never been easier, and you can expect pleasing results from our clinic in Houston, TX. Contact our team to learn about abdominal etching near me and schedule your initial appointment.

How does abdominal etching work?

Before abdominal etching, Dr. Morales creates detailed markings on your body while you flex your abdominal muscles. This allows us to create consistent six-pack abs that don't appear fake or "worked on." We then make very small incisions (less than 5mm) in your natural creases and folds. Through these incisions, we perform a special liposuction procedure to strategically sculpt the tissue and give the appearance of defined abs. Fat is removed in some areas and rearranged in others.

What is recovery like with ab etching?

Since abdominal etching is performed using general anesthesia at an accredited surgical facility, we ask you to get a responsible friend or family member to drive you home. You can expect to feel sore and swollen almost immediately after surgery in Houston, TX, but these side effects are temporary. We also recommend wearing a compression garment for comfort. Patients should adhere to any post-surgery guidelines, especially ones relating to incision care.

After ab etching, most people can resume their schedules as normal within one week. Strenuous activities and workouts should be avoided for several weeks. The full results of surgery should be evident within six months.

How do I minimize scarring after abdominal etching?

Dr. Morales and his staff are proud to use the latest medical techniques and technologies to ensure the smallest incisions possible. Patients can also improve the appearance of scars at home. First, it’s important to keep your incisions clean and covered to avoid infection. Do not pull or pick at the healing tissue and keep it covered from direct sunlight. UV exposure can darken the skin and make scars more noticeable. Other steps include:

  • After showering, gently pat the area dry instead of rubbing vigorously.

  • Avoid using abrasive soaps or chemicals on the skin. Use gentle products for bathing and cleaning.

  • Do not wear tight clothing over the incisions. Loose clothes are best during recovery.

  • Apply a scar cream using other natural products to minimize discoloration and flatten out scars.

  • Drink water during recovery to keep your skin hydrated.

Abdominal etching near me

If you’re considering abdominal etching for brand-new six-pack abs, make sure to consult with our team of experts at Morales Plastic Surgery. We’re here to answer any questions about our liposuction procedure and provide guidance so you can enjoy great outcomes. If you want more information about abdominal etching near me or scar care in Houston, TX, call to meet with Dr. Rolando Morales. We are happy and excited to walk you through the process.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.