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Who is a Candidate for Abdominal Etching?

By: Dr. Rolando Morales


If you want sculpted abs and a leaner physique but do not have time to visit the gym, Morales Plastic Surgery in Houston, TX has a solution. Abdominal etching adds more definition to your muscles through liposuction. Ideal candidates for ab etching include both men and women who desire a defined abdomen without intrusive cosmetic surgery or scarring. When your current diet and exercise program are not enough to achieve the washboard abs you desire, turn to board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Rolando Morales. We can explain the benefits of this procedure and let you know if you qualify.

Who should get abdominal etching?

Ab etching reshapes the abdominal area by removing excess stomach fat, allowing us to reveal the sculpted abs underneath. Candidates for this procedure are generally men and women who lead a healthy lifestyle but find it difficult to see real results. Fat sculpting is safe and straightforward, with patients seeing their new outcomes almost right away. Scarring is also minimal, so almost no one will guess that you have had work done.

During your meeting with Dr. Morales, we perform an examination and discuss your surgical goals. This is because abdominal etching is not necessarily for everyone. Patients should have small pockets of fat in the abdomen to get surgery. If your total body fat is higher than 20 percent, you may not be right for ab etching at this time. The staff at Morales Plastic Surgery will give you a set of pre- and postoperative instructions if we decide to move forward.

Our surgical techniques

Abdominal etching is performed with a special liposuction technique while the patient is under general anesthesia. It works by strategically removing stomach fat just underneath the skin. To begin, Dr. Morales will make detailed markings and carefully outline the sculpted abs. We then create small incisions in the natural contours of your body. This is what allows us to minimize scarring. Fat sculpting includes removing or thinning out fat in certain areas to create the desired appearance. Patients can expect the procedure to be completed in about an hour.

What happens after ab etching

Following fat sculpting, patients should expect some swelling and discomfort, both of which can be managed with pain medications and a compression garment. This garment should be worn for a minimum of 3 – 6 weeks. While most individuals can return to a normal schedule soon after surgery, we highly recommend avoiding heavy lifting or exercise. Dr. Morales will schedule a follow-up appointment in Houston, TX, and let you know when you can return to the gym. In the meantime, follow all of our instructions to minimize your risk of complications.

Get sculpted, six-pack abs

Do you want six-pack abs without spending all your extra time at the gym? Abdominal etching may be the answer. Men and women who live an active lifestyle can remove small layers of stomach fat for a sculpted appearance. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Rolando Morales is proud to offer this advanced, state-of-the-art procedure. The best way to determine your candidacy is to schedule a consultation at Morales Plastic Surgery. We also offer online consultations in Houston, TX, so you can learn about surgery from the comfort of your living room.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.