What Will My Scars Look Like After Extreme Weight Loss Surgery?

You may have accumulated sagging skin in areas like the arms, abdomen, and thighs after losing a significant amount of weight. While many men and women are proud of their extreme weight loss, loose skin can cause some pain and embarrassment. This is where skin removal surgery comes in.


Surgery may sound intimidating because it does require incisions, but you can enjoy great results when working with the team at Morales Plastic Surgery.

The best way to ease your fears after weight loss surgery is by having a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. Dr. Rolando Morales has experience in this area and can make sure you are satisfied with your outcomes in Houston, TX.

Do you have excess skin after extreme weight loss?

Extreme weight loss means you’ve lost 50 – 100 pounds or more, usually through gastric bypass surgery. It’s normal to develop sagging skin in the process. This can be very disheartening when you’ve worked so hard to get in shape. Loose skin can affect your self-esteem and limit your efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle, especially since the added bulk can make it harder for you to exercise. You may also be at risk for developing skin infections if the folds constantly rub against each other.

Unfortunately, skin removal surgery is one of the only ways to solve these issues. No over-the-counter creams or lotions, no matter how advanced, can help tighten and tone your skin. After weight loss surgery is beneficial for improving your body contours and can help you achieve a healthier and more satisfying lifestyle.

Where will you place the incisions?

This really depends on your problem areas and goals. The most common areas we address at Morales Plastic Surgery are the arms, thighs, and breasts. Some patients don’t need or want all of these areas treated with after weight loss surgery. During your consultation in Houston, TX, we can review incision placement as part of your personalized treatment plan. Dr. Morales always finds ways to make incisions in concealed areas where they won’t be noticed.

How can I reduce the appearance of scars?

We want to make sure the incisions we create during skin removal surgery will be as thin and inconspicuous as possible. However, each patient is different, so there’s no way of telling how much time it will take for the resulting scars to disappear. Following all of our recovery instructions is the best way to avoid complications or a possible infection, which can make scarring worse. Here are some other simple ways to avoid potential scarring:

  • Keep the incision sites clean and covered.

  • Allow the scars to heal naturally. Don’t try to pick or pull at them.

  • Avoid direct sunlight and use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher on the treated areas after healing.

  • Moisturize daily to hydrate and soften the skin.

Feel great about your contours with minimal scarring

Sometimes it’s hard to imagine what your scars will look like after cosmetic surgery. But you should ask yourself how much more confident you’ll feel when the recovery period is over. You can be sure that once your loose skin is gone, you can fully enjoy the results of your extreme weight loss. If you’re ready to take control of your body, meet with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Rolando Morales about after weight loss surgery in Houston, TX. The team at Morales Plastic Surgery is ready to help you find success!

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