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How Long Does A BBL Last? - Dr. Rolando Morales M.D. FACS FICS

The BBL, or "Brazilian Butt Lift" consists of transferring fat from other parts of the body and placing it in the buttocks. This fat transfer is permanent, but there are situations where you can lose some of the volume in the buttocks after a BBL! Listen and find out why and how you can avoid this situation! #bbl #plasticsurgeon #houstonplasticsurgeon For more information or to see BBL before and after pictures please visit my website at
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Fat Transfer or "BBL" Technique Fully Explained! - Dr. Rolando Morales M.D. FACS FICS

In order to have a good outcome with a fat transfer or bbl procedure, proper technique is essential! Lack of experience and overall skill by your surgeon could result in disaster for your "Brazilian Butt Lift!" In this video, I explain my technique and methods to providing a more natural result that I'm sure my patient will love! For more information on BBLs and Fat Transfers or to check out my before and afters please visit #plasticsurgeon #bbl #houstonplasticsurgeon #brazilianbuttlift
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When can I sit on my butt after a BBL?- Dr. Rolando Morales M.D. FACS FICS

One of the most common and controversial questions I get from patients is "When can I sit after my BBL?" This is a question that has inconsistent answers across the plastic surgery community. I have heard 6 weeks all the way to 6 months from other surgeons, but I have an answer that may surprise you! I have performed thousands of BBL's, or "Brazilian Butt Lifts." Based on my experience and expertise, I believe that my answer is realistic when it comes to getting a BBL and getting back to normal life asap! For more information or to view my before and afters, check out my website at!! Don't forget to Like, Subscribe and check out my video on how long your BBL will last!
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Don't Like Your FLABBY ARMS???? Here's How You Can Fix It! - Dr. Rolando Morales M.D. FACS FICS

There are multiple reasons why some people get skin laxity in their arms. Understanding how there came to be loose skin and the severity will determine the proper procedure. Sometimes just simple liposuction and a skin tightening procedure like Renuvion will do the trick! With more severe skin laxity with stretch marks, an Arm Lift will be necessary to achieve the desired result! In this video I go over the different procedures that can improve loose skin on the arms and what you can expect with your scar!! For more before and afters visit my website at! #plasticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #cosmeticsurgery #beauty #liposuction #surgery #lipo #tummytuck #botox #breastaugmentation #bbl #beforeandafter #cirugiaplastica #nosejob #facelift #mommymakeover #skincare #aesthetics #surgeon #antiaging #aesthetic #breastimplants #fillers #breastlift #cosmeticsurgeon #aestheticsurgery #doctor #lipoescultura #brachioplasty
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Butt Augmentation with Implants

Butt Augmentation with Implants
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Choosing Right Breast Implant

Choosing Right Breast Implant
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Nutrition and Cosmetic Surgery

Nutrition and Cosmetic Surgery
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What to Consider With Breast Revision

What to Consider With Breast Revision
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When to have surgery after weightloss

When to have surgery after weightloss
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Welcome and Waiting Room Tour

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Spanish Welcome video

Morales Plastic Surgery welcome video, en Espanol
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The ACPS Surgicenter

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Meet Dr. Morales

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Dr. Rolando Morales - Practice Introduction

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About Dr. Morales

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Breast Augmentation with the Keller Funnel

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Brazilian Butt Lift

The Brazilian Butt Lift is an augmentation procedure of the buttocks that creates a more youthful and prominent buttocks, and a more sensual body profile. Houston plastic surgeon, Dr. Rolando Morales, removes fat by liposuction from selected areas of the body, and injects purified donor fat cells into the buttocks. The procedure is designed to fill the upper quadrant of the buttocks so that it appears lifted and fuller. Patients with a flat buttocks and good donor fat from the back, abdomen, hips and flanks, are the best candidates. Each procedure is specifically tailored and sculpted to meet the individual needs of patients.
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Breast Augmentation

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Breast Augmentation with Lift

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Mommy Makeover

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Tummy Tuck

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Dr. Morales discusses his passion and motivation for plastic surgery 

I've wanted to be a plastic surgeon since childhood. My dad was a medical sculptor at the Burns Shriners Institute in Galveston. So from a very young age, I was exposed to plastic surgery and the reconstructive aspect of plastic surgery. I was able to train with my mentors that I knew from childhood; seeing them 15 years later, working next to them, reconstructing burn children, helping fix cosmetic and reconstructive deformities has been very rewarding. That was really the dream for me. I take care of my patients like I would my family. I take every patient very personally. I also demand the best out of myself and I think my patients always expect that of me. My goal is always to meet their expectations and exceed them. I find that it's an everyday challenge and I do that in everything I do. I'm always pushing myself to get better every day. I tell my kids that every day and it keeps me young. It keeps me hungry. To see patients come into their initial consultation who are dressed very plain, a simple t-shirt and they kinda slouch and then they go through some of these transforming procedures like a breast augmentation with a mommy makeover. Those type of surgeries and seeing them at that two months post-op visit when they come in and they're in heels, their hair is done, their makeup is done, they're wearing a tight-fitting dress. When I see them walking down that hall and they're smiling, they look so different and their aura and their personality have changed from when I first met them. They don't have to say a word, that to me is really gratifying.
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Morales plastic surgery - what does concierge-style service mean?

Our concept of concierge service is really just we make sure everything is provided to our patients for their surgical procedures as well as recovery. From when they have surgery, they're in a private surgery center. All we do is aesthetic plastic surgery. This all we do every day, all day. You're not going to wake up next to a patient who just had their tonsils out. You're not going to wake up next to a  patient who just had a colonoscopy. We're a very private, exclusive, VIP style, plastic surgery center. If patients stay overnight, they're going to be in a private room. They have their own nurse. We give them something to drink. We get their pain medicine through their IV, their nausea medication- Everything is as comfortable as possible make sure that night is as smooth and pain-free as possible. We provide garments for compression therapy after surgery. You don't have to go find them on Amazon. We are the number one client for the number one manufacturer in the world. Little things like this are the concierge-style, premium practice details that some practices don't do. We send you flowers after surgery. We want you to feel comfortable and better because it's going to be worth it. Through this process, it's going to be worth it. We aim to make the whole recovery experience smooth and as comfortable as possible. That is our ultimate goal for your plastic surgery recovery.
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Dr. Morales - Fitness Competition

I've exercised all my life and did weight training a lot when I was in Junior High and High School, I did power lifting, and in College, I met my wife in High School, and we went to College together, and we started weight training, kind of the power lifting thing. We enjoyed it, and probably about five years ago, my wife decided, "I'm going to do a bikini competition." That was pretty neat. It kind of gives a little more purpose to going to the gym. Weight training is not that hard. It's really the eating that's the hard part of dieting. Having that self control. I didn't think I could do it, but she had a really hard time with it that first time, and she said, "I think if you did it with me, we'd do it together better." We hit it off. I just enjoyed it. We'd weight train together, we'd prep together, we'd make our foods together on Sundays, we still do, and that's when I really kind of got into it. It started me out to sculpt the body, but to do it with weights over a long process, that to me is hard. And that's why I like it, because it's hard.
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Morales plastic surgery - what to expect when considering plastic surgery 

My name is Dr. Rolando Morales. I'm a board-certified plastic surgeon in Houston Texas. I'm specialized in aesthetic plastic surgery. I'm in a group of six surgeons called Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery and we collectively are the number one practice in Texas. We pride ourselves on excellence and innovation. When patients come in, they should expect to be in a very comfortable setting that's nice and quiet. They should expect a short wait. They meet our coordinators and staff, and they're brought into the patient rooms or consultation rooms. The first thing they're gonna do is make a call. The contact is taken out to my coordinator, her name is Linda Martez. And then, she goes over the standard questions about the procedure, recovery, what to expect during and after plastic surgery. At that point, they make a consultation appointment which can be about an hour long. They come into the office and we take them back to the consultation room. In a very comfortable setting, we go over imaging. We talk about what their desires are and how we can help and make things better for them. Then, we go through the process of making a plan of what they would like to proceed with. And then, if they choose to proceed, then they make a separate appointment to schedule a surgical procedure. At that point, it goes on through the surgery, and then the recovery. So when they come into my practice, they know they're getting the best in Houston. They know they're getting the best in Texas, and I'm here to strengthen that brand and the reputation of a center of excellence.
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Morales Plastic Surgery – Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most common procedures in the United States right now. The silicone product, the silicone breast implant, has really evolved and improved at every generation. I would say in the United States, most surgeons are using a smooth, round product. The gel is highly cohesive, designed for safety, designed for a natural feel. The silicone implants can really enhance the volume and shape and proportion of the female's breast to their desires, so I have implants that give you a very natural look, the patient is given a very augmented look. It's become more popular with women who have had multiple children and they feel like their volume has just deflated. So, breast augmentation in late 20's, early 30's, after a couple children is very, very common.
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Brazilian butt lift - what to expect

The Brazilian butt lift (BBL) has become more in vogue in the past ten years. It is really an up and coming procedure. Basically it's two procedures in one. We do liposuction and then we take that fat, use it around the core area, the abdomen, the flanks, and the back. We take that fat and we physically move it into a different part of the body. That fat transfer is usually placed in the buttocks for volume enhancement and shape enhancement. That is an all natural tissue that is all you. It is a permanent change in how you gain and lose weight forever. They get really lean in those areas we did the liposuction and the buttock area is always the last thing to go. Patients will have a fuller, rounder butt in relation to your proportions as a result of that procedure. Great patients for BBL, are patients with a BMI somewhere around 20 - 25%. We can really transform the figure of a woman to have a smaller waist and a fuller bottom. This can really change how they look and feel in clothes.
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Morales Plastic Surgery – Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery

So recovery for a BBL in my hands, I feel it should be usually about a week. Okay, so at a week, you should expect to go back to work, sitting on normal soft cushions of the seat. In a bed, it's not going to affect the shape, it's not going to affect the volume. Sitting on hard surfaces like a church pew, first same amount of times will cause some problems. My patients are usually back to exercising around week three. And at two months, my patients are back to doing anything they want in life. Breast augmentation recovery time is usually about a week. So most women are back to work within five to seven days, light duty. Taking oral pain medicines, three to five days on average. I get them back into exercising with cardio and some light weight training around week three. And then at two months, I release them to full activity.
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Dr. Morales – Exercise Routine

I live, I would say a healthy lifestyle to fit. I feel better, dramatically better since I started focusing more on what I eat and how I exercise. I don't push that on my patients, but I can promise you that in the recovery setting, just getting moving again does improve the circulation, does improve the swelling recovery. Most of my patients are back to exercising around week three. Start on cardio, different types of cardio equipment. Have a great relationship with a lot of personal trainers in the Houston area. Cross Fit gyms, Yoga gyms. To come back six months after surgery, lost 15 to 20 pounds and look even better. That's awesome, right. That's a lifestyle change. To me, that's just as rewarding as doing some of the surgeries that I've done. They go through a lifestyle change and then they inspire others. Right. So their friends and family are like, "Wow. You've really changed so much!" Patients will look and feel younger. Guaranteed. If you just take care of your body, eat well, exercise. You will look and live younger. No question.
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